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Problem Including Bootloader Code in Application Program
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Bascom Member

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:30 pm    Post subject: Problem Including Bootloader Code in Application Program Reply with quote

I want to include a compiled bootloader code in to an application program.
This allows factory programming of both in one go as oppose to programming a bootloader and then bootloading the application program

I have been doing this for years with Atmega chips like this:
$Inc BootLoader,NoSize,"My_BootLoader.bin"

(My_BootLoader.bin file is a binary image of bootloader code only, compiled with Bascom AVR).

However, this doesn't work with Xmega 256A3U:
$Inc BootLoader,NoSize,"My_BootLoader.bin"

I have also tried:
$Inc BootLoader,NoSize,"My_BootLoader.bin"

All I need the compiler to do is to place the code from My_BootLoader.bin file at location $20000

If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated.

(BASCOM-AVR version : )
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

you need to add :

! .ORG $the WORD address of the loader
'put the $Inc here

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Bascom Member

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for your help Mark.

Unfortunately, it didn't quite work. While the compiler placed the bootloader code at the right address,
it also placed a lot of data, including application program constants, after the bootloader code.

It also generated an error message: "Program will overwrite bootloader...." as the compiler is not aware
that the code following ! .ORG $20000 is a bootloader code.

I have tested the code with Ver and it works fine with Atmega chips:
$Inc BootLoader,NoSize,"My_BootLoader.bin"

Is there a reason why it shouldn't work with Xmega chips?
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Evert :-)

Bascom Expert

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did you use the $LOADERSIZE = xxx option in your main program?
_________________ Bascom code vault
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Bascom Member

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just tried using $LoaderSize in main program but it made no difference.

It's not the error that's the problem as the compiler still generates HEX and BIN files.

It's the fact that the compiler stores constants and other data from the main program
after the bootloader code. This makes the total size of the file bigger than can fit in to flash.

This makes sense (to me) as the compiler is not aware that code following $20000 is a bootloader
and treats it as part of the main program.
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Joined: 09 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

please post an example that works for you with atmega. (with all files).
and also a sample for xmega. the inc file can be rubbish, and the main program can be minimal, but i need some real code to look at that contains your used settings.

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Bascom Member

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Example files attached.

Please note how "Boot_ATmega128.bas" correctly generates output binary and hex files and "Boot_Xmega256A3U.bas" does not.

Best regards.
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Joined: 09 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The combined use of the old $Boot and $Inc is very nice.
I found the problem and changed it. it will be in the next update.
as a workaround you can merge the hex files.

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Bascom Member

Joined: 17 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Mark,

I'm sorry to ask, but I didn't understand how to include BootLoader code in aplication program right... Sad

I compiled the BootLoader and have the .bin / .hex of it.

Next I put this at the beginning of my application:

$loader = &H30000 ' adress eg. datasheet for ATXmega384C3
$inc Bootloader , Nosize , "MA2_Front_Bootloader_2.bin"

This gives the Error
Error : 344 Line : 2359 Program will overwrite bootloader [ 392854 too long] , in File : C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MCS ELECTRONICS\BASCOM-AVR\LIB\FP_TRIG.LBX
Error : 80 Line : 1360 Code does not fit into target chip , in File : C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MCS ELECTRONICS\BASCOM-AVR\LIB\FP_TRIG.LBX

If I merge the BootLoader code manualy in the bin-file at the right position, everything is fine and works.
But it would be very nice to include the BootLoader automaticaly

µC = ATXmega384C3
Compiler version :
Compiler build :
IDE version :

Thanks a lot,
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Bascom Member

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Put these 2 lines at the very end of your program.

$Boot=$XXXX (XXXX = Bootloader start address in uC memory)
$Inc BootLoader,NoSize,"My_BootLoader.bin"

This is how it used to work.

Best regards,
Igor Tabakov
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Joined: 09 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

exact, have a look at Igors sample that he attached earlier.
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Bascom Member

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Igor and Mark,

thanks a lot for your fast reply.
It works... Very Happy

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Bascom Member

Joined: 20 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:18 am    Post subject: Including the bootloader with $Boot and $Inc Reply with quote

I have tried to include the compiler as indicated in this thread with version and get the error:

Error : 344 Line : 200 Program will overwrite bootloader [ 256840 too long] , in File : D:\DESARROLLO\Ei_2.26\Main.bas

Just want to know if problem has not been solved in or am I doing something wrong.

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Bascom Member

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 4:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have tried this for several hours and been completely unsuccessful. Here is my bootloader, which works if I compile & download it to the device.


Dim Starterr As Byte
Starterr = Peek(0)
Writeeeprom Starterr , 80                                   'save MCUSCR  (Register 0) to eeprom
Starterr = 125
Writeeeprom Starterr , 100                                  'confirm that BL is present

$regfile = "m1284pdef.dat"
Const Loaderchip = 1284

$loader = &HF000                                            ' 4096 words, bootloader starts at HF000
Const Maxwordbit = 7                                        ' Z7 is maximum bit                                   '
Const Loadsize = &HF000 * 2                                 ' highest Number of bytes to load

$crystal = 9830400
$hwstack = 128
$swstack = 128
$framesize = 128

' Define here name of Hex-File
Const Filenamehex = "Boot.hex"

Const Filenamehexdone = "BootDone.hex"

Disable Interrupts
Open "comc.3:38400,8,n,1" For Output As #1                  'my debug port
Print #1 , "Bootloader started"                             ' Boot-loader Started
Waitms 500                                                  ' Time for Card to settle

Dim Btemp1 As Byte

'Print #1 , "Checking SD card"
$include "config_mmcsd_hc.bas"                              'set up the high capacity SD card comms ver boot2.1

' Check success of card initializing
If Gbdriveerror <> 0 Then
  ' Print #1 , "SD card init error"
  ' Print #1 , "e" ; Hex(gbdriveerror)                       ' Error during card initializing
   Goto Startmain
End If

' Include AVR-DOS Configuration and library

$include "Config_AVR-DOS_boot.BAS"

Print #1 , "D = init DOS file system"
Btemp1 = Initfilesystem(1)                                  ' Get File system
                                                              ' use 0 for drive without Master boot record

If Btemp1 <> 0 Then
 '  Print #1 , "Err reading DOS file system"
 '  Print #1 , "e" ; Hex(btemp1)                             ' Error at reading file system
   Goto Startmain
End If

Dim _sec As Byte , _min As Byte , _hour As Byte , _day As Byte , _month As Byte , _year As Byte
Const _userclock = 0

Const Maxword =(2 ^ Maxwordbit) * 2                         '128
Const Maxwordshift = Maxwordbit + 1
Const Maxpages = Loadsize / Maxword

Const Fn = 10                                               ' file-number

'Dim the used variables
Dim Strline As String * 80                                  ' input line from file
Dim Blinebytes As Byte                                      ' data bytes in hex-line
Dim Blinedataposition As Byte                               ' first/current position of hex-data in line
Dim Blineendposition As Byte
Dim Blinestatus As Byte
Dim Blinelen As Byte
Dim Strtemp As String * 4
Dim Berror As Byte                                          ' error byte

Dim Strname1 As String * 12
Dim Strname2 As String * 12

Dim J As Byte , Spmcrval As Byte                            ' self program command byte value
Dim Bprog As Byte

Dim Z As Long                                               'this is the Z pointer word
Dim Vl As Byte , Vh As Byte                                 ' these bytes are used for the data values
Dim Wrd As Word , Page As Word                              'these vars contain the page and word address

Dim Bcrc As Byte
Dim Buf(128) As Byte
Dim Bufpointer As Byte
Dim Lfilelen As Long

Disable Interrupts                                          'we do not use ints

'---- Start Boot loader
 'Check if boot.hex is there

   Lfilelen = Filelen(filenamehex)
   If Lfilelen > 0 Then
      Gosub Flashhex
     Print #1 , "No boot file found"
   End If

Print #1 , "Start Main";
Goto _reset

' 1. check Hex-File
Bprog = 0                                                   ' check Intel Hex File

Print #1 , "Checking hex file"
Gosub Bootload

' 2. Flash from Hex-File
Bprog = 1                                                   ' program flash

'Print #1 , "Programing Flash from Hex file"
Gosub Bootload

#if Varexist( "FileNameHexDone")
      Strname1 = Filenamehex
      Strname2 = Filenamehexdone
      Kill Strname2
     ' Print #1 , "Renaming boot.hex file"
      Name Strname1 As Strname2
      'Boot successfull at this point.
      'Write a file
      'to the sd card to indicate this
      'which can be read by the main program
      Strname1 = "success_.txt"
      Open Strname1 For Binary As #128
      J = 89                                                '89 = bootload successful.78 = not successful
      Put #128 , J
      Flush #128
      Close #128


Goto Startmain:

' Boot loader part (same for File-Checking and Flashing)

Open Filenamehex For Input As #fn
If Gbdoserror > 0 Then
  ' Print #1 , "DOS error during file opening" ; Hex(gbdoserror)
   Berror = 1
   Goto Here:
End If

Page = 0
Wrd = 0

If Bprog = 1 Then
   Spmcrval = 3 : Gosub Do_spm                              ' erase  the first page
   Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm                             ' re-enable page
End If

Berror = 0
Bufpointer = 1
Blinebytes = 0
Lfilelen = 0


   If Blinebytes = 0 Then
      Gosub Loadhexfileline
   End If

   Select Case Blinestatus

      Case 0                                                ' read normal data line

         Lfilelen = Lfilelen + Blinebytes
         If Lfilelen > Loadsize Then

           ' Print #1 , " wrong flash size"                  ' Wrong Flash Size
            Berror = 1
            Exit Do

         End If

         For Blinedataposition = Blinedataposition To Blineendposition Step 2

            Strtemp = Mid(strline , Blinedataposition , 2)
            Btemp1 = Hexval(strtemp)
            Buf(bufpointer) = Btemp1
            Incr Bufpointer
            If Bufpointer > 128 Then
               Gosub Writepage
               Bufpointer = 1
            End If
            Decr Blinebytes

      Case 1                                                ' address extend record

         Blinebytes = 0                                     ' prepare for reading next line
         ' Address extend line, do nothing

      Case 2
                                                      ' EOF Line read

         If Bufpointer > 1 Then
            Gosub Writepage
         End If
         If Wrd > 0 Then
            Wrd = 0
            Spmcrval = 5 : Gosub Do_spm
            Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm
         End If
         Exit Do

      Case Else                                             ' Error

         Print #1 , "Line error " ; Hex(blinestatus) ; " "
         Berror = 1
         Exit Do

   End Select


Close #fn
If Berror > 0 Then
      'all errors captured at this point.
      'success.txt written as error, to Sd card
      'which causes a text
    ''  Strname1 = "success_.txt"
    ''  Open Strname1 For Binary As #128
    '' J = 78                                                '78 = N = not successful
    ''  Put #128 , J
    ''  Flush #128
    ''  Close #128

   Goto Startmain                                           ' restart in case of error
End If


   If Eof(#fn) <> 0 Then
      Blinestatus = 8                                       ' no regular end of File
   End If

   Line Input #fn , Strline

   If Gbdoserror <> 0 Then
      Blinestatus = 7                                       'DOS error
   End If

   Strtemp = Mid(strline , 1 , 1)                           ' check for starting ":"
   If Strtemp <> ":" Then
      Blinestatus = 6
   End If

   ' Check Checksum
   Blinelen = Len(strline)
   Bcrc = 0
   For Btemp1 = 2 To Blinelen Step 2
      Strtemp = Mid(strline , Btemp1 , 2)
      Bcrc = Bcrc + Hexval(strtemp)

   If Bcrc <> 0 Then
      Blinestatus = 9                                       'checksum error
   End If

   ' Number of bytes

   Strtemp = Mid(strline , 2 , 2)
   Blinebytes = Hexval(strtemp)
   If Blinebytes > 0 Then
      Blinedataposition = 10
      Btemp1 = Blinebytes * 2
      Blineendposition = Btemp1 + 8
   End If

   ' Type of Record

   Strtemp = Mid(strline , 8 , 2)

   Select Case Strtemp

      Case "00"                                             ' normal data record

         Blinestatus = 0

      Case "01"                                             ' address extend record (> 64KB)
         Blinestatus = 2

      Case "02"                                             ' EOF record
         Blinestatus = 1

      Case Else                                             ' unknown record type (Error?)
         Blinestatus = 5

   End Select


'write one or more pages


   For J = 1 To 128 Step 2                                  ' we write 2 bytes into a page
      Vl = Buf(j) : Vh = Buf(j + 1)                         ' get Low and High bytes
      Spmcrval = 1 : Gosub Do_spm                           ' write value into page at word address
      Wrd = Wrd + 2                                         ' word address increases with 2 because LS bit of Z is not used
      If Wrd = Maxword Then
          Wrd = 0                                           ' Z pointer needs wrd to be 0
          Spmcrval = 5 : Gosub Do_spm                       ' write page
          Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm                      ' re-enable page

          Page = Page + 1                                   ' next page

          If Page <= Maxpages Then                          ' avoid to erase first page of bootlaoder

             Spmcrval = 3 : Gosub Do_spm                    ' erase  next page
             Spmcrval = 17 : Gosub Do_spm                   ' re-enable page

          End If

      End If


   Z = Page                                                 'make equal to page
   Shift Z , Left , Maxwordshift                            'shift to proper place
   Z = Z + Wrd

   If Bprog <> 1 Then
   End If

   Bitwait Spmcsr.0 , Reset                                 ' check for previous SPM complete
   Bitwait Eecr.1 , Reset
                                      'wait for eeprom                                                 'add word
   lds r30,{Z}
   lds r31,{Z+1}
   #if Loaderchip = 1284
      lds r24,{Z+2}
      sts rampz,r24                                         ' we need to set rampz also for the M128
   lds r0, {vl}                                             'store them into r0 and r1 registers
   lds r1, {vh}
   Spmcsr = Spmcrval                                        'assign register
   spm                                                      'this is an asm instruction


Here is the program I'm trying to attach it to:


$regfile = "m1284pdef.dat"                                  'my processor
$crystal = 9830400                                          'system crystal
$framesize = 800                                            ' Located at top of 16k of SRAM
$hwstack = 550                                              '
$swstack = 550                                              '
$frameprotect = 1
Disable Jtag

'Open a software UART TRANSMIT channel for debug on software ser port
Open "comc.3:38400,8,n,1" For Output As #1                  '
Open "comc.2:38400,8,n,1" For Input As #5


   Print #1 , ""
   Print #1 , ">>*******  DID A REBOOT   **********<<"
   Print #1 , ">> File Version " ; Version(3)
   Print #1 , ">> File Version " ; Version(1)
   Print #1 , ""

   'Main Loop
          Print #1 , ""
          print #1 , ">> start over"
          wait 2




$loader = $F000

$Inc Bootloader , NoSize , "j:\Dropbox\projects\mybootloader.bin"

The $loader command finds the .bin file ok ( and if i corrupt the name it comes back and says it cant find the file, so that works.
BUT When I reset the chip, it does not run the bootloader.
The fuse settings are:
BootRST - ticked
BOOTSZ Bootflashsize=4096 words start addr = $F000

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Bascom Member

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 10:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Neil,

does Your bootloader work or not?

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