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AN #124 - SMS on Nokia 5110/6110 via microcontroller Print
SMS on Nokia 5110/6110 via microcontroller

This AN was written by Mark Voevodin

'For Personal Use Only - Any code additions/enhancements, please email a copy of the modified code to the author'

Back in May of 2000 I thought it would be a simple matter to connect my newly acquired Hotchip Mini AVR board to one of my old Nokia 5110's  (I had 2 workers and 1 in bits).

Note:  Although I speak of 5110, the following AN will also work on 6110 as well.

After searching the net, I found many examples of code using AT commands, but not for the 5110, and they were in C, which I am not too familiar with.

So, out came the old 286 with the RS232 sniffer program (Serial Test), and next came many hours of packet capture, late nights and much caffeine.

FBUS/MBUS & 115200 Baud

First problem was whether to use MBUS or FBUS,  MBUS would work at 9600 baud, but echoed everything.

FBUS worked at 115200 baud, easy to sniff, but not so easy to implement on the AVR.  A crystal change to 11.059Mhz soon got 115200 working great.


The above diagram shows my connections to the 8535, I used an old personal handsfree connector that are commonly available.  I did start out with a MAX232, and a DAU9 cable, which worked great but I thought I could bypass them.  And it worked, and is still working, but I accept no responsibility if the above connection damages your cell phone.

The code is not finished, but on Power Up, it will show info from phone, display incoming callers number, and also receive (and delete) incoming SMS. 

' 5110.BAS
' Code to talk to Nokia 5110/6110 GSM phone by Mark Voevodin
' Most of this code has come from sniffing the data stream between
' Nokia software and mobile phone.
' Program originally written in Delphi on PC, then converted to BASCOM-AVR
' This program requires a 11.059Mhz Crystal to communicate at 115,200 baud
' for FBUS communication.
' Tested with DAU9 cable to 5110, with external power to activate the
' circuitry in the DAU9.
' Project started MAY 2000
' Ported to BASCOM AUG 2001
' Last Update NOV 2002
' The code as it stands talks to the Nokia 5110 and displays
' the Hardware/Software Version and IMEI number on a 40 * 2 line LCD
' Incoming SMS messages will be decoded and displayed onto the
' LCD, but only the first 80 characters of the message.
' Incoming callers number is displayed for voice calls
' Other status messages can be shown, or are in process of being
' converted from Delphi.
' AVR used was HotChip mini
' ToDo: Send SMS's
' Get external input to trigger sending SMS's

$regfile = "8535def.dat"
$crystal = 11059000
$baud = 115200
$lib "nokia.lib"
$external Blockcheck
Declare Sub Blockcheck(x As Byte , Byval Y As Byte )

'_lpt_data Alias Portc ' data port connected to d0-d7 of LPT
'_lpt_control Alias Portb ' portb used for the control pins
'_lpt_status Alias Pinb
'_lpt_busy Alias 1 ' busy is pinb.1
'_lpt_strobe Alias 2 ' strobe is portb.2

Const Cmaxchar = 160 'Max number of characters
Dim Rxflag As Bit 'a flag for signalling a received character
Dim Rxcount As Byte 'RX byte counter
Dim Rx(cmaxchar) As Byte 'Rx Buffer
Dim Tx(cmaxchar) As Byte 'TX Buffer
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
Dim Z As Integer
Dim Currentstate As Integer 'State Machine
Dim Waitingforreplyflag As Bit 'Flag to indicate that message sent and Waiting for reply
Dim Waitingformsg As Bit 'Flag to indicate that required message has been recv
Dim Lookingforflag As Bit 'Flag to indicate we are looking for something
Dim Lookfor As Byte 'The byte we are looking for
Dim Count As Byte
Dim B1 As Byte
Dim Sx As Byte
Dim Seq As Byte
Dim Msgnumber As Byte
Dim Resetcount As Long

'Variables for Unpack 7 - SMS messages are encoded as 7 bit as per
'ETSI GSM 03.38,03.40,07.05,07.07
Dim Msgposition As Byte
Dim Xshift As Byte
Dim Msgval As Byte
Dim Current8bit As Byte
Dim Currentbit As Byte
Dim Msgloop As Byte
Dim Msgbit As Byte
Dim Msgz As Byte
Dim Msgy As Byte
Dim Msglen As Byte

Dim Az As Byte
Dim Bz As Byte
Dim Cz As Byte
Dim Dz As Byte
Dim Vz As Byte
Dim Yz As Byte
Dim Zz As Byte

'Dim Sframe(60) As Byte
Dim Temp(16) As Byte
Dim Temp1(16) As Byte

Dim Mobilenumber As String * 16

On Urxc Rec_isr 'define serial receive ISR
Enable Urxc 'enable receive isr
Enable Interrupts 'enable interrupts to occur

Printbin &H55
Lcd "Nokia 5110/6110 - SMS Decode v1.10"
Lcd "by Mark Voevodin - Copyright 2002"
Wait 3

'Zero variables
= 0
= 0
= 0
= 0
= 0
= 0
= &H40
= 0
Cls 'Clear LCD

Gosub Resetsoft 'Reset phone to start message
Wait 1

'Main Loop
If Rxflag = 1 Then  'we received something
Disable Serial 'Disables URXC, UDRE and UTXC
= 0
If Lookingforflag = 0 Then 'We aren't already looking for characters
If Rx(rxcount) = &H1E Then 'Start of packet
= 1 'Reset start position
(rxcount) = &H1E 'Reset packet to start character
End If
End If

If Rxcount >= 2 Then 'Need to test the 2nd byte, so we need at least 2 bytes
If Rx(2) <> 0 Then 'If zero can't test
If Rxcount = 10 Then  'need at least 10 bytes of packet
If Rx(4) = &H7F Then 'This indicates an ACK packet
= 0
= 0 'We aren't looking for a reply now
= 1 'Reset start position
(rxcount) = &H1E 'Reset packet to start character
End If
End If
If Rxcount = 6 Then 'Need at least 6 bytes to work out packet length
= Rx(6)
= Y Mod 2
= Z + Y
= 8 + Z 'This is packet length, so we need to loop til we get this number
= 1 'Flag that we are waiting for more bytes
End If

If Rxcount = Lookfor Then 'we have the full number of bytes for this packet
= 0 'Reset Flag, we not looking for any more bytes
If Rx(4) <> &H7F Then 'Not an ACK message
Gosub Sendack
Gosub Processpacket  'We have a valid packet, so decode
End If
End If

End If
End If

'now check for buffer full
If Rxcount = Cmaxchar Then 'buffer full
= 0 'reset character counter
End If

Reset Rxflag 'reset receive flag
Enable Serial 'Enable serial interupts

End If

If Waitingforreplyflag = 0 Then 'We not waiting for a reply
Select Case Currentstate
Case Is = 0:
' If Waitingforreplyflag = 0 Then
= 1
Lcd "0"
Gosub Initframe
Restore Nokiamsg1
= 12
Gosub Sendframe
Gosub Getseq
(12) = Seq
Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 6)
Printbin Tx(1) ; 14
' End If

Case Is = 1:
' If Waitingforreplyflag = 0 Then
= 1
Lcd "1"
Restore Nokiamsg2
= 14
Gosub Sendframe
Gosub Getseq
(13) = Seq
Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 7)
Printbin Tx(1) ; 16
' End If
Case Is = 2:
'If Waitingformsg = 1 Then
' If Waitingforreplyflag = 0 Then
= 1
Lcd "2"
Restore Nokiamsg3
= 16
Gosub Sendframe
Gosub Getseq
(15) = Seq
Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 8)
Printbin Tx(1) ; 18
= 0
' End If
'End If
Case Is = 3:
' If Waitingforreplyflag = 0 Then
= 1
Lcd "3"
Restore Nokiamsg4
= 14
Gosub Sendframe
Gosub Getseq
(13) = Seq
Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 7)
Printbin Tx(1) ; 16
' End If
Case Is = 4:
' If Waitingforreplyflag = 0 Then
= 1
Lcd "4"
Restore Nokiamsg5
= 16
Gosub Sendframe
Gosub Getseq
(15) = Seq
Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 8)
Printbin Tx(1) ; 18
' End If
Case Is = 5:
' If Waitingforreplyflag = 0 Then
= 1
Lcd "5"
Restore Nokiamsg6
= 12
Gosub Sendframe
Gosub Getseq
(12) = Seq
Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 6)
Printbin Tx(1) ; 14
' End If
Case Is = 6:
If Waitingformsg = 1 Then
' If Waitingforreplyflag = 0 Then
= 1
Lcd " 6 ";
Restore Nokiamsg7
= 54
Gosub Sendframe
(11) = Temp1(1)
(12) = Temp1(2)
(13) = Temp1(3)
(14) = Temp1(4)
(15) = Temp1(5)
(16) = Temp1(6)
(17) = Temp1(7)
(18) = Temp1(8)
(19) = Temp1(9)
(20) = Temp1(10)
(21) = Temp1(11)
(22) = Temp1(12)
(23) = Temp1(13)
(24) = Temp1(14)
(25) = Temp1(15)
(26) = Temp1(16)
Gosub Getseq
(53) = Seq
Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 27)
Printbin Tx(1) ; 56
Lcd "Seq:" ; Hex(seq) ; " " ; Currentstate
' Waitingformsg = 2
' End If
' End If
' Case Is = 7:
' If Waitingformsg = 2 Then
' If Waitingforreplyflag = 0 Then
= 1
Lcd "7"
Restore Nokiamsg9
= 14
Gosub Sendframe
Gosub Getseq
(14) = Seq
Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 7)
Printbin Tx(1) ; 16
= 0
End If
' End If

End Select

End If

If Currentstate >= 7 Then
= 7
= 0
Incr Resetcount
If Resetcount > 200000 Then
= 0
= 0
= 0
= 0
= 0
= 0
= &H40
= 0
Gosub Resetsoft

' Cls
' Lcd "Phone Status Seq:" ; Hex(seq)
' Gosub Initframe
' Restore Nokiamsg10
' Sx = 12
' Gosub Sendframe
' Gosub Getseq
' Tx(14) = Seq
' Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 6)
' Printbin Tx(1) ; 14
End If
End If


'Need to send this out, not normally before every message though
Printbin &H00
For Sx = 1 To 55
Printbin &H55  'initframe to phone
Waitus 10

Printbin &H1E ; &H00 ; &H0C ; &H40 ; &H00 ; &H01 ; &H64 ; &H03 ; &H04 ; &H29 ; &H72 ; &H6F
Lcd "Reset Phone - Soft";
Waitus 100

'So work out an ACK message to transmit to reply to this packet
(1) = &H1E
(2) = &H00
(3) = Rx(2)
(4) = &H7F
(5) = &H00
(6) = &H02
(7) = Rx(4)
= Rx(6)
= 6 + Y
(8) = Rx(z)

Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 4)
Waitus 10 'Don't send reply straight away
Printbin Tx(1) ; 10

: 'We got info in buffer, let's work out what it is

'Lcd "PKT " ; Hex(rx(4))

Select Case Rx(4) 'Message type held in this byte

Case Is = &H01:
'Call Information');
Select Case Rx(10)
Case Is = &H04:
'Remote End Hung Up'
Lcd "Remote Hung Up"
'Gosub Getsmsc

Case Is = &H05:
Select Case Rx(13)
Case Is = &H00:
'Incoming Call No Number
Lcd "No number"
Case Else
'Incoming Call
= ""

' Lcd "Number Len ";
' Lcd Rx(13) ;
= 13 + Rx(13) 'Display calling number
For Y = 14 To X
= Rx(y)
= Mobilenumber + Chr(z)

Lcd Mobilenumber
If Mobilenumber = "0403xxxxxx" Then
Lcd "Mark ringing"
End If

End Select

End Select
Case Is = &H02:
'SMS Handling');
Select Case Rx(10)
Case Is = &H10:
'Lcd "SMS Received"
= Rx(12)
Lcd "(";
Lcd Str(msgnumber);
Lcd ") ";
' Lprint "(";
' Lprint Str(msgnumber);
' Lprint ") ";

= Rx(15)
If Msgval = 145 Then
Lcd "+";
' Lprint "+";
End If
= Rx(14)
Decr X
For Y = 2 To X

= Rx(y + 14)
Rotate Msgval , Left , 4
Lcd Hex(msgval);
' Lprint Hex(msgval);

= Rx(x + 15)
Shift Msgval , Left , 4
Shift Msgval , Right , 4
Lcd Msgval;
' Lprint Str(msgval);
Lcd " ";

= Rx(31)
If Msgval = 145 Then
Lcd "+";
' Lprint "+";
End If
= Rx(14)
Decr X
For Y = 2 To X

= Rx(y + 30)
Rotate Msgval , Left , 4
Lcd Hex(msgval);
' Lprint Hex(msgval);
= Rx(x + 31)
Shift Msgval , Left , 4
Shift Msgval , Right , 4
Lcd Msgval;
' Lprint Str(msgval);

= 49
= Rx(29)
Gosub Unpack7

Gosub Delsms

Case Is = &H31:
Lcd "SMS center OK"
Case Is = &H32:
Lcd "SMS center ERROR"

Case Is = &H34:
Lcd "SMS center received"
Case Is = &H35:
Lcd "SMS center Recv error"
' Case Else:
' Lcd " SMS Code " ; Hex(rx(10))

End Select

Case Is = &H04:
'SMS Handling');
'Select Case Rx(10)
Lcd " 04 Code " ; Hex(rx(10))

Case Is = &H64:
'Info about phone
Select Case Rx(10)
Case Is = &H11:
' Cls
' Lcd "Magic ";
= 1

'Goto Asdf
'Populate the temp array with reqd bytes
= 0
For Y = 22 To 29
= 1 + Z
(cz) = Rx(y)
Incr Z
= 0
For Y = 18 To 21
= 9 + Z
(cz) = Rx(y)
Incr Z
= 0
For Y = 57 To 60
= 13 + Z
(cz) = Rx(y)
'' Lcd Hex(rx(y)) ; " ";
Incr Z
'Ok let work out the special bytes

For Zz = 1 To 12
= Zz + 1
= Temp(cz)
= Az And 1
If Bz = 1 Then
Shift Temp(zz) , Left , 1
End If

= Temp(16) And 3
Select Case Vz
Case Is = 1:
= Temp(14) And 7
For Zz = 1 To 4
= Zz + Yz
= Temp(cz)
= Zz + 12
= Temp(cz)
= Az Xor Bz
= Zz + Yz
(cz) = Dz

Case Is = 2:
= Temp(14) And 7
For Zz = 1 To 4
= Zz + Yz
= Temp(cz)
= Zz + 12
= Temp(cz)
= Az Xor Bz
= Zz + Yz
(cz) = Dz

Case Else
= Temp(15) And 7
For Zz = 1 To 4
= Zz + Yz
= Temp(cz)
= Zz + 12
= Temp(cz)
= Az Or Bz
= Zz + Yz
(cz) = Dz

End Select

= 0
For Zz = 1 To 16
= Dz
= Temp(zz)
= Bz Xor Cz
For Zz = 1 To 16
= 17 - Zz
= Temp(cz)
= Az And 6
Select Case Vz
Case Is = 0:
= Temp(zz) Or Dz
Case Is = 2:
= Temp(zz) Xor Dz
Case Is = 4:
= Temp(zz) Xor Dz
Case Is = 6:
= Temp(zz) And Dz
End Select

If Yz = Dz Then
= &H2C
End If
If Temp(zz) = 0 Then
= 0
End If
'Cz = Zz + 10
'Sframe(cz) = Yz
(zz) = Yz

'For Zz = 1 To 16
'Cz = Zz + 10
'Sframe(cz) = Temp1(zz)
'Lcd Hex(temp1(zz)) ; " ";

'Wait 20

Lcd "IMEI:";

For Y = 16 To 30
= Rx(y)
Lcd Chr(z);

Lcd " Model:";
For Y = 32 To 36
= Rx(y)
Lcd Chr(z);
Lcd "PC:";
For Y = 38 To 44
= Rx(y)
Lcd Chr(z);

Lcd " HW:";
For Y = 46 To 49
= Rx(y)
Lcd Chr(z);
Lcd " FW:";
For Y = 51 To 55
= Rx(y)
Lcd Chr(z);
End Select

Case Is = &HD0:
Lcd "Power On Message"
= 0
Lcd " Seq:" ; Hex(seq)
= 0
Wait 4

Case Is = &HF4:
Lcd "Power On Message F4"
= 0
Lcd " Seq:" ; Hex(seq)
= 0
Wait 4

End Select


'Serial ISR
If Rxcount < Cmaxchar Then 'does it fit into the buffer?
Incr Rxcount 'increase buffer counter
(rxcount) = Udr
End If
= 1 'set flag, we got a byte

'This is the REAL hard part!!!
'Due to limited SRAM, we have to decode 7bit to 8bit into the same buffer memory.
= 0
For Msgloop = 1 To Msglen
= Rx(msgposition)
Shift Current8bit , Right , Xshift
= Current8bit And &H7F
= Xshift + 7
= Xshift And 8
If Msgbit = 8 Then
= Xshift And &H07
Incr Msgposition
= Rx(msgposition)
= 8 - Xshift
Shift Msgy , Left , Msgz
Shift Msgy , Right , 1
= Msgval + Msgy
End If

= Msgval
Gosub Translate
= Current8bit

Lcd Chr(msgval);
'Lprint Chr(msgval);
'Lprint Chr(12);

: 'This is just dummy code to take up space - needed when SMS sending working
= 0
For Msgloop = 1 To Msglen
= Rx(msgposition)
Shift Current8bit , Right , Xshift
= Current8bit And &H7F
= Xshift + 7
= Xshift And 8
If Msgbit = 8 Then
= Xshift And &H07
Incr Msgposition
= Rx(msgposition)
= 8 - Xshift
Shift Msgy , Left , Msgz
Shift Msgy , Right , 1
= Msgval + Msgy
End If

= Msgval
Gosub Translate
= Current8bit

Lcd Chr(msgval);
'Lprint Chr(msgval);
'Lprint Chr(12);

= Lookup(current8bit , Dta)
= Currentbit

(1) = &H1E
(2) = &H00
(3) = &H0C

For Count = 4 To Sx
Read B1 : Tx(count) = B1
Incr Currentstate

Incr Seq
If Seq > &H47 Then
= &H40
End If

Restore Nokiamsg8
= 14
(1) = &H1E
(2) = &H00
(3) = &H0C
For Count = 4 To Sx
Read B1 : Tx(count) = B1
Gosub Getseq
(12) = Msgnumber
(14) = Seq
Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 7)
Printbin Tx(1) ; 16
' Wait 2
' Cls
' Lcd "Get SMSC"
' Restore Nokiamsg9
' Sx = 14
' Tx(1) = &H1E
' Tx(2) = &H00
' Tx(3) = &H0C
' For Count = 4 To Sx
' Read B1 : Tx(count) = B1
' Next
' Gosub Getseq
' Tx(13) = Seq
' Call Blockcheck(tx(1) , 7)
' Printbin Tx(1) ; 16

End 'End Program

Data 64 , &HA3 , 36 , &HA5 , &HE8 , &HE9 , &HF9 , &HEC
Data &HF2 , &HC7 , &H10 , &HD8 , &HF8 , &H13 , &HC5 , &HE5
Data 63 , 95 , 63 , 63 , 63 , 63 , 63 , 63
Data 63 , 63 , 63 , 63 , &HC6 , &HE6 , &HDF , &HC9
Data 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , &HA4 , 37 , 38 , 39
Data 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47
Data 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 55
Data 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63
Data &HA1 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 , 71
Data 72 , 73 , 74 , 75 , 76 , 77 , 78 , 79
Data 80 , 81 , 82 , 83 , 84 , 85 , 86 , 87
Data 88 , 89 , 90 , &HC4 , &HD6 , &HD1 , &HDC , &HA7
Data &HBF , 97 , 98 , 99 , 100 , 101 , 102 , 103
Data 104 , 105 , 106 , 107 , 108 , 109 , 110 , 111
Data 112 , 113 , 114 , 115 , 116 , 117 , 118 , 119
Data 120 , 121 , 122 , &HE4 , &HF6 , &HF1 , &HFC , &HE0

: 'Phone ID 04 03
Data &H04 , &H00 , &H06 , &H00 , &H01 , &H00 , &H01 , &H01 , &H40
: 'SW/HW info D1 03
Data &HD1 , &H00 , &H07 , &H00 , &H01 , &H00 , &H03 , &H00 , &H01 , &H41 , &H00
: 'SMS - Initiate connection 02 0D
Data &H02 , &H00 , &H09 , &H00 , &H01
Data &H00 , &H0D , &H00 , &H00 , &H02 , &H01 , &H42 , &H00
: 'SMS - Set CellBroadcast 02 20
Data &H02 , &H00 , &H07 , &H00 , &H01
Data &H00 , &H20 , &H02 , &H01 , &H43 , &H00
: 'SMS - Initiate connection 02 0D
Data &H02 , &H00 , &H09 , &H00 , &H01
Data &H00 , &H0D , &H01 , &H00 , &H02 , &H01 , &H44 , &H00
: 'Phone ID 64 10
Data &H64 , &H00 , &H06 , &H00 , &H01
Data &H00 , &H10 , &H01 , &H45

: 'Accessory connection 64 12
Data &H64 , &H00 , &H2F , &H00 , &H01
Data &H00 , &H12
Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00
Data &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00
Data &H4E , &H4F , &H4B , &H49 , &H41 , &H26 , &H4E , &H4F
Data &H4B , &H49 , &H41 , &H20 , &H61 , &H63 , &H63 , &H65
Data &H73 , &H73 , &H6F , &H72 , &H79 , &H00 , &H00 , &H00
Data &H00 , &H01 , &H40 , &H00
: 'Delete SMS
Data &H14 , &H00 , &H08 , &H00 , &H01
Data &H00 , &H0A , &H02 , &H00 , &H01 , &H00

: 'Get SMSC
Data &H02 , &H00 , &H08 , &H00 , &H01
Data &H00 , &H33 , &H64 , &H01 , &H01 , &H40

: 'Get Batt/RF
Data &H04 , &H00 , &H06 , &H00 , &H01
Data &H00 , &H01 , &H01 , &H40

 Here is some additional information Mark sent on 4 April 2003:

For those that asked for some more information on FBUS/M2BUS and Nokia
phones, this NokiaCode file contains a useful code snippet (in C unfortunately) and also protocol descriptions and cable pinouts. They have been gathered from various sources, including the GNOKII project and the GAMMU project (spinoff) , and may be governed by their applicable GNU licences (though whether these licenses apply to protocol descriptions, I will leave for others to sort out). They are gathered here to hopefully save time, as it took a lot of digging to actually find this information on the web.

Download the code

Update from Mirko Ugolini - subroutine for packaging message what can be used in this AN :

$regfile = "M32def.dat" ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 8000000                                          ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200                                               ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 210                                              ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 210                                              ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 210                                            ' default use 40 for the frame space

Declare Sub Pack_message(message As String , Textarray() As Byte , Mlup As Byte , Mlp As Byte )

Dim Message As String * 100
Dim Textarray(100) As Byte
Dim Mlup As Byte
Dim Mlp As Byte
Dim Index As Byte

Message = "Hi All. This message was sent through F-Bus. Cool!!"

Call Pack_message(message , Textarray(1) , Mlup , Mlp)

Print "-------------- RESULTS ----------------"
Print "message =" ; Message
Print "mlup =" ; Mlup
Print "mlp =" ; Mlp

For Index = 1 To Mlp
 Print "carattere(" ; Index ; "):" ; Hex(textarray(index))
Next J

Print "-------------- RESULTS ----------------"

Sub Pack_message(message As String , Textarray(100) As Byte , Mlup As Byte , Mlp As Byte)
' In input:
' [message]  Stringa di testo da inviare
' In OutPut:
' [Textarray] l'array che contiene la stringa di imput Packed
' [MLUP] lunghezza stringa di imput Unpacked
' [MLP] lunghezza array packed
Local R As Byte
Local Mask As Byte
Local Shift_r As Byte
Local Shift_l As Byte
Local T As String * 1
Local Jj As Byte
Local Next_j As Byte
Local Kk As Byte
Local M As Byte
Local F As Byte
Local L As Byte
Local Qq As Byte
Local Message_lenght As Byte
Local Limit As Byte

= 0
Mask = 0
Shift_r = 0
Shift_l = 0
= ""
Jj = 0
Next_j = 0
Kk = 0
= 0
= 0
= 0
Qq = 0
Message_lenght = 0

'Message = Trim(message)
Message_lenght = Len(message)
Mlup = Message_lenght
= Message_lenght - 1
Qq = Message_lenght

'Carico in un array i caratteri che compongono la stringa
For Jj = 1 To Mlup
 T = Mid(message , Jj , 1)
 Textarray(jj) = Asc(t)
 'Print "Carattere :" ; Jj ; " - " ; T
Next Jj

For Jj = 1 To Message_lenght

   Next_j = Jj + 1

 If Kk = 0 Or Jj = 1 Then
     Mask = 1
     Shift_r = 1
     Shift_l = 7

     Mask = Mask + Mask
 Incr Mask

 Incr Shift_r
 Decr Shift_l
 End If

   Kk = Jj Mod 7

 'Print "Carattere :" ; Jj ; " - " ; Kk

      R = Textarray(next_j) And Mask
 Shift R , Left , Shift_l
      Textarray(jj) = Textarray(jj) Or R
 Shift Textarray(next_j) , Right , Shift_r

 If Kk = 0 Then

         L = Jj + 1

 For F = L To Message_lenght
           Textarray(f) = Textarray(+ 1)
 Next F

 If L <> Message_lenght Then
          Textarray(qq) = 0
          Qq = Qq - 1
 End If

 End If

Next Jj

Mlp = Qq

End Sub